Centralize customer feedback
to success your product
Get started for free
Feedback portal with Boost Note
Customize your document with rich properties. You'll be able to visualize your docs with progress status, assignees, reviewers, due date and everything you need.
4,000+ integrations via Zapier
Integrate external tools via Zapier and automate your workflow. Boost Note can emit events to other apps and listen to external events to update documents.
Filter your docs with properties and archive them in a dashboard. You'll be able to access info within 5 seconds.
Realtime editing
Unlimited Members
You'll be able to invite as many members as you need and collaborate with them in real-time on the editor.


Maximize developer's velocity with document centric workflow
Markdown Co-authoring
Write documents as a team with Boost Note's realtime editing.
Multi devices
Multi Platform
Collaboration happens from anywhere, anytime. Choose your favorite env from web, desktop and mobile apps.
Comments and Mentions
Add comments to the whole document or specific parts of it, and mention members to let know.
Import and export
Importing and Exporting
Import your existing documents from other tools and export documents from Boost Note into pdf, html and markdown files.
Developer Friendly UI/UX
There are many management tools out there, but it's not always developer-friendly. Boost Note offers a customizable workspace based on developer's needs.
Public API
Manage your docs programatically. You can easily issue an authentication token and access Boost Note's APIs via simple HTTP requests.

Integrated with your tools

Boost Note keeps everyone aligned and working more efficiently.
Developers, designers, and peers – all collaborating in one tool.
Create Miro cards and create tagged documents.
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Submit a pull request and insert a row in your document.
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When new Trello card is created, create a document.
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Add a new issue and create a new document.
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Click emoji reaction on the Slack and create a document.
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Create an event on calendar and create a document.
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Create a new room and create new document.
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Create a new room and create new document.
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When new card is created, create a document.
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Added new functions on AWS, and append content.
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New job status notification, and update document.
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Submit a pull request and insert a row in your document.
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Way to use Boost Note

From the first day to every day, teams use Boost Note to solve problem, stay connected and always know they're in the know.
Spec Editor
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Knowledge Base
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Meeting Minutes
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Product Backlog
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Remote Dev Teams
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Personal Notes
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Bring all of your documents

Boost Note supports importing document from other wiki services such as Notion, Confluence, Evernote, Dropbox Paper, Quip, etc and file formats for Markdown and Text.
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